Volume 10, Issue 1 (volume10, Issue 1 2022)                   CPJ 2022, 10(1): 91-107 | Back to browse issues page

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Parvizi E, Ardestani Z A. Explain the concept of human empathy perception of the constructed space (Architecture and city). CPJ 2022; 10 (1) : 132
URL: http://jcp.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3541-en.html
Kharazmi UNiversity , Ardestani@khu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (4351 Views)
 The quality of human perception of the environment is a determining factor in achieving responsive architecture. After the theories of behavioral sciences and environment, the idea of ​​empathy with space has presented a new perspective on human perception of the environment; It is derived from the function of the mirror neurons of the brain, and results in an emotional sharing between the observed and the observed, contributing to a deeper connection between man and the environment. Using the theories between architecture and psychology and neuroscience, the present study intends to describe, analyze and then explain the strategies and theories in the empathy of space among the index theories. To enable the re-reading and deeper understanding of the relationship between man and the created environment. In this study, qualitative research method with content analysis method has been used. Studies on architecture and empathy are very limited and scattered. Therefore, using a descriptive method of indicators of theories, and subsequently qualitative content analysis under a comparative interpretive approach to identify the main variables in significant and valid scientific research and with logical reasoning tries to investigate and compare their explanatory principles and results. Explaining and categorizing the empathetic perception of space in this research takes a step in expanding its theoretical foundations in architecture as well as applied topics. The findings indicate the design of four categories of "anthropological perception", "atmosphere-based empathy", "behavior-oriented empathy", and "interactive empathy" in empathy theories in the field of architecture. And they all introduce architecture as an essential part of the human mind and cognition.
Article number: 132
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Architecture
Received: 2022/01/5 | Accepted: 2022/02/22 | Published: 2022/06/21

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